Friday, August 15, 2008

Independence Day!

Its 15th August today. Our Independence day. Everybody is celebrating, even the weather Gods. Its sunny afternoon after a rain soaked month in Mumbai.TV is celebrating in its own inimitable style. There is Rang de Basanti,Swadesh,Border and K3G(If you are wondering why K3G ,probably because it got Jan Gan Man and hence qualifies for 15 August).I wonder whats on DD because no body can beat DD in this game.I remember watching Gandhi three times every year.First on Republic day then Independence day and finally on Gandhi Jayanti.Although I always preferred 26 January because of the Parade but hearing Leader of the nation speak from Red Fort always made me proud (although there were some ridiculous moments as well like Devegauda trying to speak in Hindi).But still most memories are from school.Preparations would begin 20 days prior.And for 20 days there would be buzz in the air with people practising for group songs,speeches,PT and the most infamous of all The Parade.I was useless for my music teacher so she never bothered me with the group song.But I would always get caught by whoever was my class teacher for the Independence day speech.For some reason every teacher felt I would make a good speaker.But I always managed to disappoint them.Infact I once was so terrified at the thought of getting selected that I deliberated a poor speech at trials. I probably overestimated my abilities because in the past even my 100% had not been enough to take me past trials.But worst was definitely parade.I remember getting thrown out in the middle of practice once.And that instantly made me a celebrity with my mates,because nothing was more cool than sitting on the fences and watching the mortals slug it out in the heat.
All this would culminate on 15 august .Mornings on 15 august were distinctly different with speaker phones blaring patriotism .tricolor flying everywhere,streets filled with students neatly dressed in whites carrying out prabhat ferries .their hearts filled with hope,expectation, exuberance.....alas only the hearts of children.
Not surprisingly I don’t have any profound memories of independence day during college and after.Probably we are old enough to realise the futility of entire exercise or may be its the cynicism that comes with the age .I remember getting up in the independence day morning and seeing my roomie neatly dressed up.
”Whats with you dude” I asked.Vinay(my roomie),”Its independence day ,I felt like doing something for the nation”.
Me: So??.
Vinay(after a pause),”I decided to bathe”.
Well celebrations are over .It has started raining again in Mumbai.I should atleast take bath and do my bit for the nation. Jai Hind.